Are you bored on a Thursday afternoon, with 5 minutes to spare, and love Reus? Well, then I have good news for you! From today on, I will be posting Reus related info, tips and events right here-o.
Today I got 3 topics for you:
- The Mountain Patch
- Community Challenge
- Fisherman tips
Mountain Patch
The last 2 weeks, me and the artists have been busy with creating some extra content for Reus. (Bas was too busy lowering the specs/porting the game, while Maarten is busy localizing.) We added some new early game content for those who have advanced into level 3, in the form of new resources and projects. We also added some difficult 1-hour challenges for the real Titans amongst you.
Another added feature that is easily overlooked, is the ability to turn on advanced tooltips. Advanced tooltips show the yields and symbioses of a resource when you hover over it's transmutation button. It's a requested feature by those who liked to have a little more foresight and control over their transmutations.

The next update will take a bit longer, but we are already planning out our next steps. Curious to learn about the next set of features or content to arrive on your planet? Check the Reus news next week, as I will be revealing more bit by bit!
Community Challenge
Do you think that your planeteering-skills are off the hook? Or just want to have a friendly competition with other Reus players? Then you might have fun joining the community challenge! Starting next week, I'll be posting challenges in which you can easily participate. There will be leagues for different types of players who like a challenge, so anyone is welcome to enter. For more information, or to have a chance to influence the competition with your input go the the strategy forums!
Fisherman Tips
Having trouble getting developments? Do the ones that involve animals, prosperity or a fishing village seem particularly hard? You're not alone: Fishing Village seems to be the most difficult level 1 challenge, and only 25% of the players made it until now. Here is a quick and dirty walkthrough on how to get an effective fishing village!
Step 1: Create an island. The island should be no bigger than 4 patches, so it fits a village perfectly. Make the island either a swamp or a forest. (A swamp is recommended, since it unlocks the right upgrades for your ocean giant) To make a nomad settle there, just put any fish one tile away from the island. This way, you're sure that the humans have no other choice than to build a fishing docks.

Step 2: Fishes! Make good use of the early game fishies! They're really easy to use: The clownfish does well next to another clownfish, and the mackerel does well next to another mackerel. Also don't forget to take a quick peek at the specialization of your fishing docks project, which is sure to spawn. With only 4 fishes, (2 of one type on each side of the island), the village will already grow to 50+ prosperity!

Step 3: Diversify your animals. For this strategy, it's very important that you can make different fishes. Therefore, it's smart to pick animal upgrades first. Depending on your level, you will want the ocean giant to have swamp ambassadors, your forest giant and swamp giant to have desert ambassadors, and your rock giant is best of with a forest ambassador. There are 4 fishes in the early game to use:
- Mackerel: A row of 3 Mackerels provides an excellent range of food. Their massive school symbiosis basically doubles the effectiveness of an Aspect in this setup, so make sure you use it well!
- Clownfish: Clownfish are nice filler to get some wealth, since they synergize with other clownfish and the parrotfish.
- Seabass: You will need either the Hunt aspect or the Predator aspect to get the Seabass, so make a small desert village somehwere else to get the required desert ambassador. Their symbiosis, Predator, makes good use of those Mackerel and Clownfish to get a nice food boost. Aside of the fishing docks,the Seabass is your best way to get food.
- Parrotfish: My personal favorite, whose Barrier Dweller symbiosis benefits from a diverse setup. You'll need either the Exotic aspect or the Herd aspect, which are both obtainable with the ambassadors yielded from the fishing village itself. Note that Barrier Dweller also works with another parrotfish, so putting 2 next to eachother is totally valid!
If you place them smartly, it's a piece of cake to achieve 150 prosperity in 10 minutes!

Step 4: Exploit! Now that the basics are ready, you'll just have to keep an eye on your fishing village. Some important things to keep in mind are:
- Make sure that ocean is full of fish! Let there be no empty patch left within borders.
- Spread some aspects around! Use the Fertility Boost of the Forest Giant to get potent aspects, since lesser apsects only work with natura, which is unobtainable in this setup.
- If they're getting too greedy, use some apsects with danger moderately.
- Note that fishes closer to the village have more impact, since their full range is in borders. The fishes at the borders are less effective, so put your best sources closer to the village.
If you take care of your village, they're sure to hit the 200 prosperity mark within 20 minutes!
That's all for this week! Be sure to come by next week to get some more juicy Reus info!